The Celestial Edition


This is an edition of pieces inspired by lyrics of a song I once came across that left a lingering imprint on the way I view life:

You taught me the courage of stars before you left,
How light carries on endlessly, even after death.
With shortness of breath,
You explained the infinite.
And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist,

(Saturn, Sleeping At Last)


We often think too small, too now. People often say, “live in the now”, and while I understand the basic intention of this expression of making the most of each day, I think we need to also remember to step back and look at our lives from a distance. What will leave a lasting legacy after we’re gone? What will we have done that lives on? And this is how I will choose to live my life. Today, what can I do to spark my unique star? How can I shine brighter so that my light will leave a luminous legacy?

And thus, stars have become a significant symbol in my life. Stars have been mystic for millennia, intriguing scientists and poets alike, but to me, stars are a beautiful reminder that our lives, when shining brightly, will leave a residual radiance on the world for many years after we’re gone.




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